GAINSwave is the only FDA Approved, Non Invasive treatment that cures Erectile Dysfunction.
The O-shot, or Orgasm Shot, is a cutting-edge sexual rejuvenation and enhancement procedure for women. Non-surgical solution to natural sexual enhancement clinically proven for nearly a decade, with thousands of patients around the world achieving enhanced sexual benefits.
The p-shot, or Priapus Shot, is a cutting-edge sexual rejuvenation and enhancement procedure for men. The p-shot is a non-surgical solution to natural sexual enhancement that has been used and clinically proven for nearly a decade, with thousands of patients worldwide achieving enhanced sexual benefits.
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal rejuvenation refers to surgery, laser, or radiofrequency to treat conditions such as vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction or dyspareunia. These conditions are much more common than you might think and many women suffer with these treatable conditions.